About the center Sarclinic
About the center SARCLINIC ®
“Sarclinic” was founded 30 years ago. The center combines new fruitful theoretical elaborations and wide experience of successful practice.
During the existence of the center in Saratov thousands of men, women and children took treatments and returned to a healthy life.
The center is situated in a comfortable building in Moscow Street (one of the central streets of Saratov).
A complex approach in treatment is practiced in our center. We combine modern methods of Russian, European and American medicine with ancient traditions of Eastern and traditional medicine. We widely apply different methods of reflex therapy that assists to achieve excellent stable results in the treatment without side effect and complication. The treatment is held on the level of the world standards. The equipment used in the center has been produced on the basis of the latest achievements of the high technology industry.
The methods of treatment do not require hospitalization.
We provide treatment of male and female sexual disorders, infertility, inflammatory diseases of genitourinary apparatus, nervous system diseases, dependence state (alcoholism, smoking), illnesses of spine, muscles and joints, metabolism disorder, infantile sicknesses, diseases of digestion organs and other illnesses.
Individual approach and attention to every patient is the basis of our work. We expect that you will trust your health to the specialists of our clinic in case of necessity.
On the pages of this site you can find important and useful information, ask specialists your questions and get answers. We intend to keep you aware of new methods of treatment and the latest medical equipment. You will be able to satisfy yourself that maximum of time and attention will be devoted to your precious health. We wish you to be healthy and happy!
This site considers topical questions of diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis of different diseases relating to our center specialization.
Values of the company
Our mission
The center is a reliable innovatory organization true to patients and employees. Our mission is to become a leader in high quality reflexotherapy services in Saratov.
Our aims
1. We help you to solve health problems with an optimum effect.
2. We ensure an overall approach, we use new technologies and authorized methods for highly effective treatment.
3. We assist you in doing your lifestyle healthy and explain the importance of preventive measures.
Our values
1. Confidence and mutual understanding.
The main values of “Sarclinic” are confidence and mutual understanding between a patient and his/her doctor, high morality and respect for our patients´ personality.
2. High quality.
The main requirement in current work is the best quality of medical aid and personal service. We offer optimum medical assistance in a particular situation and try to please our patients with a high quality of service.
3. Innovation.
In our work we are in constant search of new solutions, methods of treatment and diagnosis. This approach increases reliability and results of rendering medical service.
4. Responsibility.
Every staff member in our clinic is responsible for his/her work.
5. Listening ability.
Medical men of our clinic use their listening ability to the good of patients. The contact and understanding between a doctor and a patient comes when the doctor listens attentively to the patient, considers all details and does not hasten to make doubtful diagnosis.
6. Competence in word and deed.
Our staff members are competent and qualified. They help patients to understand the reasons of their diseases and advise to choose an individual optimum method of sanitation and treatment.
7. Efficiency.
The quality and the period of fulfilling work are ensured by an adjusted multi-stage system of quality control.
8. Positive thinking.
This value stimulates acting and achieving the best results in work. It breaks a person of a habit of procrastination, indifference and laziness. Our mission is to render medical aid to every patient who comes to the clinic.
9. Self-perfection.
All staff members specialize regularly, improve on qualification, take part in exhibitions, give reports at symposiums, congresses, conferences and conventions.
10. United staff.
Among the main components of successful staff work are internal relations and psychological comfort.
11. Moderate prices.
Wide sections of population with different level of material maintenance can afford modern diagnosis and treatment in our clinic.
12. Respect and social direction of attention.
We give discounts for privileged categories of patients, veterans of labor, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, invalids, heroes of RF and USSR.
Taking care of patients and their families is a big honor and responsibility. Confide in us and you will restore your health, acquire high capacity for work and become happy.
The most important things for us are patients´ health and professional honor!
Achievements and merits
“Sarclinic” was founded in Saratov on 25 May 1992. Since 2005 the clinic works in partnership with European academy of natural science. In 2007 “Sarclinic” was declared a Saratov brand leader among medical institutions of Saratov region and got the first place in the nomination “Nation´s health within the framework of the national project of the state demographic policy”. In 2008 the clinic entered 100 best medical institutions of the Volga region of RF. In accordance with numerous honorable mentions of our patients the clinic was included in Russian register “Reliable reputation” in 2009.
Scientific research work
The staff members of “Sarclinic” have published 80 scientific printed works and 4 monographs. There are publications in scientific magazines, collections of articles, materials of international and regional congresses, conventions and conferences.
In order to propagandize modern achievements of medical science the clinic has been widely publishing information materials.
The main scientific interests of the clinic:
1. Elaboration of new technologies and algorithms of diagnosis and treatment of various diseases with application of different reflexotherapy methods and traditional Eastern medicine.
2. Elaboration of new technologies and algorithms of diagnosis and treatment of male and female sexual disorders, urogenital pathology on the basis of fundamental researches.
3. Fundamental and clinical aspects of etiology and pathogenesis, prophylaxis and introduction of new technologies of diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation. Organization of specialized aid to patients with nervous system diseases.
4. Fundamental and clinical aspects of etiology and pathogenesis, prophylaxis and introduction of new technologies of diagnosis, treatment and organization of specialized aid to patients with digestive organs diseases.
5. Healthcare of a mother and a child: fundamental and clinical aspects of etiology and pathogenesis, prophylaxis and introduction of new technologies of diagnosis, treatment and organization of specialized aid.
6. Influence of unfavorable ecological factors on human health. Ecological hygienic problems of the regional safety.
The scientific research is carried out within the framework of the international partnership program of “Sarclinic”.
Transactions of the doctors of our clinic are well-known in Russian scientific society and abroad. The medical staff has taken part in 55 international and Russian scientific conferences, conventions and congresses. The printed transactions of our medical men have been repeatedly published by “Scientific Book” press and have been popular among readers.
The main directions of medical activity
Nervous system diseases
Enuresis / bedwetting
Stutter, stammer
Vegetovascular dystonia
Cerebral crisis
Neuralgia and neuritis
Trigeminal neuralgia
Occipital neuralgia
Polyneuritis, polyradiculitis-neuritis
Dependent (abstinent) state
Tobacco smoking
Spine diseases
Scoliosis, bearing defects
Muscles and joints diseases
Metabolic disorder
Female menopause
Male climacterium
Infantile diseases
Tourette syndrome
Nocturnal bedwetting, enuresis
Vegetovascular dystonia
Psychomotor development disorders
Speech disorders, arrest of speech development
Motor disorders syndrome (muscular dystonia, infantile cerebral paralysis)
Perinatal encephalopathy
Infantile cerebral paralysis
Neurotic encopresis
Minimal cerebral dysfunction
Georges Gille de la Tourette syndrome
Vegetative nervous system diseases
Raynaud´s phenomenon
Solar plexitis
Digestion organs diseases
Spasms of esophagus
Ulcerous disease of the stomach and duodenum
Female diseases
Irregular menses
Dysmenorrhea, algodysmenorrhea
Chronic salpingo-oophoritis
Organism aging prophylaxis
Other diseases
Cellulitis (lypodystrophy)
Psychological consultations
Contacts - Sarclinic ®
The center address: 410012; 152, Moscow Street, Saratov, Russia.
How to reach our center: Rahov Street Stop of trolleybuses № 1, 5, 9, 15, buses № 6, 11, 33, 53, 71, 73, 90, 247, 284, 284a, 284b, 284k, route taxi № 8, 10, 13, 79, 96, 99.
E-mail: sarclinic@yandex.ru
Our site: sarclinic.ru
International telephone code of Russia: +7
Registry (making an appointment with the doctor): +78452407040
Administrator: +78452406040
Working hours:
Monday | 8.00 – 20.00 |
Tuesday | 8.00 – 20.00 |
Wednesday | 8.00 – 20.00 |
Thursday | 8.00 – 20.00 |
Friday | 8.00 – 20.00 |
Saturday | 8.00 – 20.00 |
Sunday | day off |
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